How to Relieve Tired Achy Feet? 8 Practical Ways

How to Relieve Tired Achy Feet? 8 Practical Ways

How to Relieve Tired Achy Feet? 8 Practical Ways

Rory Donnelly


January 13 2023

If you regularly find yourself nursing tired, achy and sore feet at the end of the day, it may signify something more than fatigue. Aching feet could be a symptom of a bigger problem and should not be ignored. This article will discuss the different reasons why your feet end up tired and achy every evening. We will also talk about some natural remedies to help with sore feet.

If we were to count the number of bones in our feet alone, we would find that one-fourth of our entire body's bones are contained in our two feet. We hardly ever give our feet a thought, but in truth, a pair of healthy, strong feet are a blessing. Researcher Dr Kurt Rode from Saint Francis Hospital says that 75% of all Americans will experience tired achy feet at least once in their lifetime. They also say that women are four times more likely to experience tired legs and feet than men.

What Causes Tired Achy Feet?

Persistent soreness, aching, or foot fatigue is caused by a combination of factors. Underuse or overuse of your legs is one of the most apparent reasons for achy feet, but there may be other underlying reasons that you haven't thought about –

  • Foot Structure – Flat feet, high arches, or arthritis can cause sore feet.
  • Injury – Straining the foot muscles, a sprained ankle or any other injury that has damaged your feet.
  • Obesity – Being overweight strains ligaments, muscles and joints in your feet.
  • Standing or Walking for Long Hours – Walking or standing for a long time, especially on hard surfaces, can strain your foot ligaments and tire your feet out.
  • Pregnancy – Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make your ligaments loose and stretchy.
  • Ill-Fitting Shoes – Wearing shoes that are too tight, loose or narrow can hurt your feet.

8 Practical Ways to Relieve Achy Feet

We hope one of the below-mentioned remedies will relieve foot fatigue. If the tiredness and pain persist, you must see your doctor and discuss the issue with them.

  1. Warm Water Therapy

    Warm water is an age-old remedy. Fill a bucket or tub with warm water and add two tablespoons of Epsom salts. You can find Epsom salts at your local drugstore. Soak your feet in the warm water bath for a few minutes. Afterwards, elevate your feet on a pillow for at least a half hour to rest.

  2. Wear Copper Compression Socks

    Compression gear helps improve blood circulation in your legs and feet to prevent swelling. Copper compression socks are specially designed to push the oxygen-devoid blood from the feet and legs back to the heart. Equipped with anti-inflammatory properties, copper compression socks soothe sore tired feet and heals the muscles.

  3. Maintain a Fit & Healthy Body

    Being overweight strains our joints and muscles because they have to support something heavier than they are built for. Exercising daily helps you maintain balanced body weight while improving muscle strength and stamina.

  4. Stretching

    After a workout, it is essential to stretch your muscles to relax and rejuvenate them. Similarly, after a long day of staying on your feet, a few simple stretching exercises can relieve the tired muscles in your feet and help you relax overnight.

  5. RICE

    RICE is an acronym for rest, icing, compression, and elevation. If your feet fatigue and pain are the results of an injury, it is best to follow the RICE process:

    • Rest – Keep your body weight off the injured foot; straining a twisted ankle or sprained foot can cause further injury.
    • Ice – Apply an ice pack to the injured area. You can use a gel-based icing pack available in the market or just wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and press it to your foot. Keep the ice pack in place for twenty minutes, then wait forty minutes before applying again.
    • Compression – As mentioned before, compression is essential for tired achy feet. It controls swelling, improves circulation, and relieves pain. Use copper compression socks for the best results.
    • Elevation – Ensure that your foot rests above your heart level whenever you lie down. It will enable oxygen-deprived blood to flow back towards your heart. This process can speed up the healing of the injury.
  6. Correct Footwear

    Sometimes, the source of your pain lies in your shoes. They may be too tight, too small, too large, or simply not designed to stand in for long hours. Invest in good quality shoes that are designed for comfort. Choose a pair of shoes that fit your foot length, width and depth well. They should have a low heel level when you stand.

  7. Massage Therapy/Acupuncture Club

    Take a few drops of oil on the palms of your hands and gently massage your feet. Look for the muscle called the plantar fascia. When you flex your toes, the plantar fascia feels like a cord running between your big toe and heel. This muscle acts like a shock absorber when your feet hit the ground. Usually, the plantar fascia is most strained or fatigued in sore, tired feet.

  8. Ointments/Medicines

    Apart from the remedies listed above, you can also opt for an ointment or topical medication for pain relief. There are many anti-inflammatory non-steroidal ointments available over the counter. Gently massage the gel or ointment on the swollen area of your feet and elevate your feet when resting.

Sore feet may be the result of numerous factors. It could be ill-fitting shoes, foot structure, or an underlying illness. We hope one of the above suggestions will help your tired feet feel better. Care and a good overnight rest should often relieve your feet' fatigue. However, if the pain persists and none of the recommended remedies work – it may be time to see a podiatrist. Some medical conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, and heart diseases also cause tired feet. Talk to your doctor to find out how your feet can feel better.

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